GEAR: gm shadow bone armor, gold gm weapons VERDICT: :idea: Drizzle approved, even if im impatient with stealth timers lolol. Fencing/Poison felt kind of weak with this personally, but running put behind things and stabbing them with a pitchfork is an experience you dont wanna miss. My best to worst would be: Archery, Swords, Macing, Fencing for this. Great with Grinding weapons, xbow, macing, swords, short spear. Being able to 1 shot an imp tho? super satisfying. The biggest issue is that (solo), taking down higher health more challenging mobs is really a pain to do, so I don't recommend it as a solo farm build really. Its kinda hard to calculate DPS when you 1 shot low end enemies, but i imagine it would be around 12-15. For stealth archers, being able to attack from any distance is admittedly a lot less work and works probably even better as a whole lol. The AI mechanics really benefit melee stealthers cause they'll run and chase ya to where you hid, usually at the turn of a corner. Now this template was actually a lot more fun then what i initially thought it would be, and it seemed to be be surprisingly effective with melee skills too along with archery. Magic res/poisoning/arms lore/mining/jacking/tracking
VERDICT: I think its pretty balanced and good, lotta raw damage and simple, probably one of the best for gold farming since you can mine/lumber on the side if people are taking your prized farm spots. If you're using this for more group play arms lore is probably just fine. I think macing in general is better for this template since you can also use 1handed and the macing effect seemed to be a lil better personally. I ended up going for spell resist since its pretty brutal to 1v1 any magic mob without it really, its a little less bad with resist spell pots but more often i would forget bout it and take a randy 40 damage flamestrike and panic lol. I was hittin for around 15-20 dps per second on both, with a shadow iron gm grinding wep (battle axe/black staff) with a lil more macing. This was the second template I did and was impressed with the results. I went 100str 100dex 25 int for every build here basically I haven't tried a lot of stuff with mages yet, but iv done basically solely warriors so heres dis
Takes large amounts of stamina loss when damaged (Heavy Armor). Relies on using cure potions and magery to cure poison. Increases group melee survival with long-duration Bless and Arch Protection spells (Inscription). Increases group melee accuracy against the target with Fencing Special Attack Cripple effects. Frequently able to reflect enemy spells (Inscription-Enhanced Magic Reflect Spell). Good damage reduction against spellcasters (Magic Resist). Incredibly high melee damage reduction (Armor + Parrying + Protection Spell + Inscription-Enhanced Reactive Armor spell). The Guardian uses Inscription to boost the effects of the Bless, Protection, Reactive Armor, and Magic Reflect spells, and combined with parrying and heavy armor, becomes extraordinarily resilient to all forms of damage. Relies on other players to "aggro" targets and take damage instead of them. Takes minimal stamina losses when damaged (Light Armor). Has increased loot potential from skinning creatures ( Forensics). Frequently will deal extra damage and increase group melee damage to the target by inflicting Macing Special Attack Pierce effects (Arms Lore).
Frequently Disarms targets, which increases group melee accuracy and damage against the target for several seconds (Arms Lore). Deals an astounding amount of melee damage ( Mining + Arms Lore + Forensics + Anatomy). Often referred to as a "glass cannon", the Berserker specializes in dealing damage as quickly as possible and largely relies on other players to draw attention away from itself for survival. Can sporadically check locations for threatening players such as enemy faction members or murderers (Tracking). Can quickly survey large areas for specific spawns, including rare creatures / paragons (Tracking).
Significant damage reduction against melee creatures (Parry).
High melee damage against it's tracked target (Tracking + Lumberjacking + Anatomy). They are quite capable of dealing as well as preventing significant amounts of damage in melee combat. Additionally, they are also adept at spotting incoming potential threats such as enemy players. Rangers excel at being aware of their surroundings and can quickly search an area to find targets of value, such as rare or paragon creatures. Armor: Ringmail (when in groups), Chainmail (when solo).